Still think the
It's hard to ignore the reality that we have become a very bitter country. Politics is the means by which we address societal challenges. It is rarely a pretty process, and the rancorous tone of the debate has become dispiriting. Real change comes from us not from government. Ask yourself; what type of energy are you bringing to the world?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Do you have any race cards? Go Fish!
Recipe for disaster?
Republicans face an interesting challenge that could spell doom simultaneously for Democrats and the values conservatives clinging to the extreme right fringe. It has not gone unreported that the right wing of the Republican Party are less than thrilled with the idea of Senator John McCain as the GOP nominee. Rush Limbaugh has said that it will destroy the three legged platform that Ronald Reagan created. It should be noted that Limbaugh (should we call him gas bag?) has equal disdain for the former governor of
Rush, Ann, Sean, Laura and the rest of the angry heads dislike McCain and Huckabee for one simple reason; neither of them are political partisans. They are not rigidly dogmatic. They don’t accept that one has to kill the enemy to win.
In that regard, a President McCain or President Huckabee would be bad for business for these fear mongers. Imagine a conservative president that doesn’t want to destroy anyone or anything that presents an alternative approach. I can respect these guys even if I could never vote for them.
If either of these candidates gets the chance to run against Hillary Clinton in the general election they can and probably will win. Don’t get me wrong,
On public policy: check Mate, Dems win!
So if she is better on policy, why would
Does that mean Senator Obama can definitely win? No it doesn’t, but this post isn’t about him!
There is a potential perfect storm on the horizon. Can the Democrats avoid it?
Don’t forget the petition
Don’t forget to sign the petition. Please send the link to the petition to as many people as you can. We need this one to spread around.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Lieberman-Warner "Global Warming" Bill
Superdelegates Run Amok
This is a petition that I created today in anticipation of problems that are being anticipated in the nomination process for the Democratic candidate for President of the
Read and sign the Petition and e-mail the link to as many people as you can.