It's hard to ignore the reality that we have become a very bitter country. Politics is the means by which we address societal challenges. It is rarely a pretty process, and the rancorous tone of the debate has become dispiriting. Real change comes from us not from government. Ask yourself; what type of energy are you bringing to the world?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Sarah Palin
44 years old
Elected Governor or Alaska in 2006
Prior political experience includes 6 years as Mayor of Wasilla, AK (population 7,738)
So, John McCain think that the person one 72 year old heartbeat away from the Oval Office is the Mayor of Wasilla, AK and two year Governor of Alaska. That screams foreign policy experience to me.
This pick was based on the belief that McCain can cut into Obama's 20 point lead among women and pick off skeptical Hillary supporters. The decision was not based on the ability to govern from day one. How could it be? This campaign knows no end to it's obvious desperation!
Here is a little rundown of photos of the Rube!

Oh good grief!

Thursday, August 28, 2008
A side by side comparison!
Obama Health Reform Plan:
1. - “Play or pay” employer mandate requiring businesses either to offer workers insurance or to pay a tax (very small businesses would be exempt)
2. - Creation of a new national health plan (similar to Medicare) for the uninsured and small businesses
3. - Establishment of new national health insurance exchange that would offer choice of private insurance options for the uninsured and small businesses
4. - Mandate that all children must have coverage
5. - Subsidies for lower-income Americans to help them afford coverage
6. - Expanded coverage financed through the payroll tax, letting tax cuts for families making over $250,000 expire, and savings from electronic medical records, disease management, and other system reforms
7. - Regulation of all private insurance plans to end risk rating based on health status
8. - Establishment of federal reinsurance program to insure businesses against the costs of workers’ expensive medical episodes
9. - Other proposed measures to control costs and improve quality:
- Reduction in the administrative costs of private insurance
- Accelerated adoption of electronic medical records
- Promotion of disease management
- Emphasis on prevention and public health
- Payment of providers on the basis of performance and outcomes
- Reduction in excessive payments to private plans contracting with Medicare
- Allowing Medicare to negotiate with drug companies
- Establishment of a comparative-effectiveness research institute
McCain’s Health Reform” Plan:
1. - Elimination of current tax exclusion for employer-paid health insurance premiums
2. - Using revenues generated from eliminating tax exclusion, provision of refundable tax credits ($2,500 for individuals, $5,000 for families) for all persons obtaining private health insurance; if insurance costs less than the value of the credit, remaining funds can be deposited into health savings accounts
3. - Creation of guaranteed access plan to provide insurance pool for persons who are medically uninsurable on the individual market
4. - Promotion of individually purchased insurance and less comprehensive insurance policies
5. - Deregulation of insurance markets
6. - Reform of Medicare to make bundled payments for episodes of care and to pay on the basis of outcomes
7. - Other proposed measures to control costs and improve quality:
- Enhanced competition
- Faster introduction of generic drugs
- Emphasis on prevention and better management of chronic conditions
- Greater use of health information technology
- Medical malpractice reform
Best speech yet!
Monday, August 25, 2008
I can't believe no one ever wrote a folk song...
Annoying? Yes! Sad? Definitely!
There are a lot of news stories and articles talking about Hillary Clinton’s supporters that are bitter that Barack Obama didn’t choose her to be his running mate. This bothers me a bit. I have to say something loud and clear so the “Clintonestas” hear this. YOU LOST! You gave it a good run, you fought hard and tough and LOST. What part of lost do you not understand? The winner chooses the terms. Barack Obama won the primary battle (regardless of margin). Therefore he is entitled to choose the running mate that he wants. It was never going to be Hillary Clinton.
Let us dispense with the suspense. She wasn’t even considered! Why, you may ask, not? She was never seriously considered because it is simply not possible to muzzle her husband. Don’t get me wrong. I love President Clinton. He is going to give a fantastic speech at the Convention, but he is all about Bill and refuses to play second fiddle. He would not do it for Al Gore, he would not do it for John Kerry and, most appallingly, he would not do it for his own wife. Why would Barack Obama willingly invite the
If Clinton's "kool-aid drinkers" are really that miffed, then I am sorry. I have compassion for that level of jaded resentment. But get over yourself. Gaul did not dictate terms to
Go ahead, pull the lever for Angry McCrazy, but it won’t be a voting machine, it will be a slot machine. Do you really want to gamble on this?